Wednesday, May 28, 2014

24: Post Another Day

If I need someone to save the world at a minute's notice, you can forget Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America and all those other superhero clowns, I'm calling Jack Bauer. 

Prez: Hello, Jack, how are you? Listen, hate to trouble you as I know you're a very busy man but we've got a little problem here. There is a meteor heading for the earth which, if not intercepted, will destroy all life and civilization on our planet. Can you help us?
Jack: I'll get right on it, Mr. President, as soon as I break out of this maximum security prison in Russia which should only take a few minutes... Chloe, I need an ETA on this meteor.
Chloe: Jack, I'm on it... Jack, you only have 30 minutes!
Jack: Chloe, is that with or without commercials? 
Chloe: With. 
Jack: Dammit!

As the meteor continues to hurtle toward earth threatening the entire human population, Jack Bauer has just broken out of the Russian maximum security prison when he receives some valuable intel from Chloe.

Chloe: Jack, I've just received some valuable intel. 
Jack: What is it, Chloe?
Chloe: Jack, the producers have you die in the final episode. 
Jack: Dammit, Chloe! I don't have time for this. What's the destination of the meteor and how much time do I have?
Chloe: Sorry, Jack. I guess this is finally it. We're all goners (pouty face).
Jack: Dammit!
Chloe: Jack, we've had a nice run. I mean, we were fortunate to come back for one more season. 
Jack: Don't they know that I am Jack Bauer?! That I am invicible! That I cannot be killed! THAT I AM A GOD!

As Jack Bauer contemplates his next course of action with time quickly running out before the meteor arrives, he gets an idea which could possibly save the earth and all mankind.

Jack: Chloe, I need one last favor. Are you still with me?
Chloe: Jack, I've been with you since the start of Season 3 and I'm not going to abandon you now. 
Jack: Good. I knew I could count on you. Chloe, I need you to get me the address of the writer for the final episode of 24. 
Chloe: I'm on it, Jack. 

The meteor is running a little late due to some heavy space traffic buying Jack and Chloe some valuable additional time... Jack soon breaks into the home of the writer and confronts him. 

Jack: Sir, you MUST rewrite the ending of the final episode ASAP!
Writer: I can't. I've already submitted it to the producers. 
Jack: Do you realize that millions of innocent people will die all because of your script?
Writer: I'm sorry. It's too late. They've already... AHH! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SHOT ME IN THE LEG! YOU'RE INSANE!
Jack: DO IT NOW!

And, once again, folks, Jack Bauer has proved that in spite of seemingly insurmountable odds, he was the right man for the job as we all posted for another day.